Sir Anton Dolin Foundation

Artistic Heritage of Sir Anton Dolin

The Anton Dolin Foundation was launched to pre­serve the cre­at­ive heritage of one of Britain’s most in­flu­en­tial artists.

The Anton Dolin Foundation, a non-profit or­gan­isa­tion ded­ic­ated to pre­serving the cre­at­ive her­it­age of the renowned British bal­let dan­cer and cho­reo­graph­er Sir Anton Dolin, was foun­ded November 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

© Anton Dolin Foundation | Photo: Carl van Vechten

Created by Sir Anton Dolin’s protégé Jelko Yuresha, the Foundation pro­motes Sir Anton’s his­tor­ic­al im­pact and sig­ni­fic­ance as Britain’s first Danseur Noble and co-founder of Festival Ballet, which is now the world-famous English National Ballet. The Foundation also pre­serves and pro­motes Sir Anton Dolin’s unique cre­at­ive her­it­age and pro­duc­tions of his work.


Pas de Quatre” is a real crown jew­el of the Romantic ballet. 
Mikhail Baryshnikov


Dolin’s bal­lets Pas de Quatre and Variations for Four, as well as his pro­duc­tions of Giselle, Cinderella and La Peri, are now avail­able only through the Foundation, their au­then­t­ic cho­reo­graph­ic and styl­ist­ic ver­sions preserved.

The Foundation pub­lishes ma­ter­i­als re­lat­ing to the life and work of Sir Anton Dolin on its web­site, on so­cial me­dia and in print. It also pro­motes bal­let perform­ances of his not­able works and runs fest­ivals show­cas­ing his out­stand­ing cul­tur­al im­pact, mak­ing his cre­at­ive her­it­age ac­cess­ible to a wider audi­ence. To en­able the Foundation to real­ise its pro­jects, it col­lab­or­ates with spon­sors, oth­er cul­tur­al in­sti­tu­tions, bal­let com­pan­ies and me­dia out­lets in sup­port of its aims.

Books by Anton Dolin

Ballet Go Round, 1938

Alicia Markova: Her Art and Life, 1953

Autobiography, 1960

The Sleeping Ballerina: The Story of Olga Spessivtzeva, 1966

Friends and Memories, 1982

Last Words: A fine Autobiography, 1985